Either may be about $1 in addition to $2

I hope you have realized that your immune system is a big part of what keeps you healthy and kicking. The immune system is a stunning machinery if I can say. Our body is made of billions of cells but everyone of these cells have a specific function. This is how our immune system can operate. One of the main types of cells are the white blood cells. You may not fully understand a lot about how your body works, but you do need to know about white blood cells.

If you don’t have a sufficient amount of them, you can get into some grave trouble. If your count is low, that signifies something in your body stops the production of these white blood cells, and your body won’t be able to fight off illnesses. You have to make sure you pay attention to what your doctor lets you know if this causes you a problem. It is crucial you do what they tell you to do so you can get your health back. The first thing I do though is listen to my body. You will feel it eventually if you have a problem at cellular level.

A good example of a low count of white blood cells can occur when a person is being treated for cancer. This is frequent, and there are things your doctor will be able to do to help you keep your health during these treatments. When the white blood cells show a low count, you won’t be able to fight off anything. Even the common cold could turn out to be dangerous because your body is too frail to fight it off. That might result in complications that can leave you in extremely poor health. White blood cells are like defense force, they fight off the enemy, in that case disease.

When a virus or outside substance enters the body, the body instantly sound the alarm and launches the white blood cells to fight it off. You will see that when you have a virus that there may be puss involved. This is the same substance you notice when you pop a pimple. That means your body fighting off an infection, even if it is a little one. Every virus is bad news for the body. Without the white blood cells, the virus is allowed to roam free within your body and do what it pleases. You must follow your doctor’s recommendations to the letter to give yourself the best chance at healing.

There might be other reasons why you can have a low number of white blood cells, and only your doctor can help you realize why it is happening and what you need to do to get better. You can make sure you take precautionary measures when you know you might be more susceptible to getting something, and you need to warn your kids about germs and sickness. Though you can not avoid everything, you should make an effort to avoid what you can until your count goes back up within standard ranges. If one of your kids comes home with the flu or a cold, advise your doctor immediately.

A long time ago someone said let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food. I believe in that saying for the reason that if you have good quality food full of nutriments it will feed your body and your army, which in this case is your immune system. Having a good immune system will fight off all kinds of attacks from viruses and germs a lot easier. A good method to strengthen your immune system and get a good count of white blood cells is to reduce your consumption of sugar especially unhealthy white sugar.

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